
Buy, Buy, Buy, Play, Play Play

In over a week, I've only managed to play about 24 hours total. I just can't seem to stay up playing video games into the wee hours of the night anymore. Is this an indication of old age? These signs are beginning to pop up all over the place. For instance, this tagline pulled from the internet:

You know you are getting old when your favorite childhood toys are sitting in a museum.


Speaking of Gameboys, I got a Zelda edition 3DS on Black Friday, of course. Just for the simple reason it is a Zelda edition. I'm underwhelmed with it. Can't play too long without feeling headachish. Haven't even started Ocarina. But I'm still glad I got it. I literally bussed it all over the city to find one... to Bestbuy, Gamestop. In the end, they had a bunch all the mall Gamestop... the one near my destination. Oh well. All's well...

Also bought a 51" TV. Yes, I'm a part of that huge sales upswing that's gonna give the economy a wakeup kick. Playing Skyward Sword on it is breathtakingly awesome. All the hype of the game looking like a painting is suddenly relevant. It adds to my desire to play, which was at a high level already. For one reason or another, I haven't played much (if you call one full day out of seven not much). The storyline is so unlike any other Zelda, although it is splattered with references and draws on ideas from Minish Cap (e.g. sky people, gust jar, kinstone/gratitude gathering). But for once, after every cutscene I am aching to find out what happens next. Too bad there aren't many sidequests or minigames that I've run into yet. And I'm getting better acquainted to the motion controls, even though the controls - or lack of controls - are still extremely frustrating. Still, I can't help but fantasize about the next generation console with the Wii U, and if/how they'll improve motion controls. I really hope they stick with it.